Sunday, October 21, 2012

F is for Fall

An Outreach Storytime...



(tune: Bingo)

There is a nut that squirrels like
And acorn is it's name-o
And acorn is it's name-o.

There is a nut that squirrels like

And acorn is it's name-o
And acorn is it's name-o.

Continue singing the song, taking one letter from the end and replacing it with a clap/crunch, until all letter are gone and you do five clap/crunch.

Scarecrow, Scarecrow
Scarecrow, scarecrow turn around
Scarecrow, scarecrow touch the ground

Scarecrow, scarecrow reach up high
Scarecrow, scarecrow touch the sky

Scarecrow, scarecrow bend down low
Scarecrow, scarecrow touch your toe.

Scarecrow, scarecrow stand up now
Scarecrow, scarecrow take a bow!  

Autumn Leaves
(tune: Did you ever see a lassie?)

Autumn leaves are hanging, are hanging, are hanging
Autumn leaves are hanging, are hanging today.

Autumn leaves turn colors, turn colors, turn colors
Autumn leaves turn colors, turn colors today.

Autumn leaves are falling, are falling, are falling
Autumn leaves are falling, are falling today.

Autumn leaves are dancing, are dancing, are dancing
Autumn leaves are dancing, dancing today.

Autumn leaves are raked up, are raked up, are raked up
Autumn leaves are raked up, raked up today.

Autumn leaves are jumped in, are jumped in, are jumped in
Autumn leaves are jumped in, are jumped in today!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

D is for...

Welcome Song

Henrietta's Basket:  Rubber Ducky

Be My Echo Song:  dream, dinosaur, dessert, dance

Flannel Board:  D-O-N-U-T
(sung to Bingo)

There is a treat I like to eat
And donut is its name-o
Save a bite for me, MUNCH!

There is a treat I like to eat

And donut is its name-o
Save a bite for me, MUNCH!

Continue to take "bites" until the whole donut is gone.

On the last verse (with five claps) end with "There's no bites left for me!"

Book:  I Want a Dog by: Helga Bansch

Stand-up Song:  5 Little Ducks

Rhyme Time Song

Nursery Rhyme:  Hickory, Dickory, Dock
Since we had a little bit of extra time we changed to "mouse" to other small animals to run up the clock.  We had a frog, a spider, and an ant!

Book:  Who wants a dragon?

ABC Chant

Animal Good-byes

Enrichment Activities:
Play with plastic dinosaurs
Dog matching game
Glue dots on dinosaur

Friday, October 5, 2012

C is for...

Welcome Song

Henrietta's Basket:  Crayon

Echo Song:  Caterpillar, corn, candy cane, clown

Flannel Board:  5 Little Cows

Five little cows ate grass all day.
Grazing in the fields of hay.
They ate and ate and ate and STILL
They ate and ate and ate until
One little cow had had enough that day...
And slowly, slowly walked away.

Continue counting down to one...

One little cow ate grass all day.
Grazing in the field of hay.
She ate and ate and ate and STILL
She ate and ate and ate until
That little cow had had enough that day...
And slowly, slowly walked away.

Book:  Little Mouse and the Big Cupcake by Thomas Taylor

Poem:  What am I?

What is fluffy white and floats up high?
Like a pile of cotton in the sky?
And when the the wind blows hard and strong,
What very gently floats along?
What brings the rain?
What brings the snow showers on us way down below?
When you look up in the sky
What is that thing you see floating by?
A Cloud!

Stand-up Song:  When I see Clouds in the Sky (from

(sung to "My Bonnie lies over the ocean")

When I see clouds in the sky,
All big and puffy and white,
When I see clouds in the sky,
The weather is sunny and bright.

White clouds, white clouds,
White clouds up in the sky (the sky)
White clouds, white clouds,
White clouds puffy and dry.

When I see clouds in the sky,
All big and solid and gray,
When I see gray clouds in the sky,
The weather is rainy all day.

Gray clouds, gray clouds,
Gray clouds up in the sky (the sky)
Gray clouds, gray clouds,
Dropping rain from up high.

Nursery Rhyme:  Jack be Nimble

Book:  Cat Secrets

ABC Chant

Animal Goodbyes

Enrichment Activities:  Caterpillar Name, Counting Clouds, "Cookies" (wooden set), Cupcake file folder game--smallest to largest, Color Cars file folder game.

Here are the cute caterpillar names the children made on Wednesday.  I love the ones the kids made by themselves!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A is for Apples

An Outreach Storytime

A is for Apples

Flannel Board:  Star in the Apple

Once upon a time a little boy was tired of playing with his toys. He whined to his mother, "I'm bored! There's nothing to do!" Mother suggested he go outside and find a small red house with no windows and no doors but with a star inside. The little boy thought that sounded like fun so off he went. He looked and looked but couldn't find the small red house with no windows and no doors with a star inside. Soon he came to a dog. "What are you doing?" asked dog. "I am looking for a small red house with no windows and no doors with a star inside. Have you seen one?" the boy replied. "No, I haven't," said the dog, "but I am curious about this little red house with no windows and no doors with a star inside. Could I come with you to look?" "Of course," said the boy. So together they set off.

Continue the story with the boy meeting several different animals, such as a cat, duck, horse or cow.

Finally the boy and the dog and the... and the... and the ... came to a little old lady. The boy asked, "We are looking for a small red house with no windows and no doors but with a star inside. Have you seen it?" "Why, indeed I have!" answered the old lady. She reached up and plucked an apple from the apple tree. "Here is a small red house with no windows and no doors." "I guess", answered the boy, "but there is no star inside. I know. I've eaten an apple before." Then the old woman carefully cut the apple in half and showed the boy. "There is a star in the middle of an apple!"

Book:  Up, Up, Up! It's Apple-Picking Time by Jody Fickes Shapiro
(This was a little long, so at the second preschool I read Apple Farmer Annie)

Apple Farmer Annie by Monica Wellington

Stnad-up Activity:  Apple Tree

Way up high in the apple tree,
Four little apples hung over me.
I shook the tree as hard as I could
Down came an apple. Crunch!
Mmmmmm! It was good!

Countine counting down through one

Book:  The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall

Activity:  Ten Red Apples Guessing Game (from
Ten red apples growing on a tree
Five for you and five for me.
There’s one little worm that you can’t see!
Where, oh where, could that little worm be?

I made ten apples and one worm using clipart then printed them on cardstock and numbered them. I put a magnet on the back of each and used a cookie sheet to play the game. Both times I hid the worm under number 7 and it was last or second to last to be picked!

Book: One Red Apple by Harriet Ziefert

Song:  Round the Apple Tree (from
(Tune of "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush")

Verse 1:
Here we go round the apple tree,
The apple tree, the apple tree.
Here we go round the apple tree,
So early in the morning.

Verse 2: This is the way we plant the seeds.

Verse 3: This is the way the little seed sprouts.

Verse 4: This is the way it grows to a tree.

Verse 5: This is the way the flowers blossom.

Verse 6: This is the way the apples grow.

Verse 7: This is the way the apples are picked.

B is for...

Welcome Song

Henrietta's Basket:  Blue balloon (that I blew up and let go--kids loved it!!)
Echo Song:  Bubble, bumblebee, button, bicycle

Flannel Board:  Five Little Butterflies (from

Five little butterflies on flowers galore,
One flew off, then there were four.

(repeat after each "verse")
*Butterfly, Butterfly, happy all day,
Butterfly, Butterfly, fly fly away.

Four little butterflies among the sweet peas.
One flew off, then there were three. *

Three little butterflies with nothing to do,
One flew off, then there were two. *

Two little butterflies resting in the sun,
One flew off, then there was one. *

One little butterfly, now the only one,
She flew off, then there were none. *

Book:  The Biggest Bed in the World by Lindsay Camp

Stand-up Song:  Beanbag Song (Totline Magazine, July/August 1999, p. 24)
(Sung to: If you're happy and you know it)

Put your beanbag on your hair, on your hair
Put your beanbag on your hair, on your hair
Put your beanbag on your hair and leave it right up there
Put your beanbag on your hair, on your hair.

Put your beanbag on the ground, now step and step around

Put your beanbag on your toe, on your toe

Put your beanbag on your toe, lift it high and and lift it low

Put your beanbag in your hand, toss it up and watch it land.

Book:  I Love Bugs! by Emma Dodd

Enrichment Activities
  • Butterfly (made from a gallon size plastic bag and a variety of colorful items) From 
  • Bug counters
  • Large wooden beads and string
  • Trace the ball bounces (from )

A is for...

Today in storytime we started our alphabet adventure again with the letter A.

Welcome Song

Henrietta's Basket:  Ant puppet

Echo Song: (ambulance, Antarctica,

Flannel Board:  I planned on telling The Star in the Apple story using flannel board figures.  But with it being the first week we were kind of I choose to skip this part.

Book:   Young Mouse and Elephant: An East African Folktale by Pamela J. Farris
(Animals from Africa)

Stand -up Song:  The Ants Go Marching

Nursery Rhyme:  One, Two Buckle My Shoe

Book:  A isn't for Fox: An Isn't Alphabet by Wendy Ulmer
[This book was a little long for the three year olds, so on Thursday I read Snip, Snap! instead.]

Snip, Snap! What's That? by Mara Bergman

ABC Chant

Animals Good-byes
Enrichment Activities
  • Match animals and their shadows by drawing a line (from
  • Play dough with alphabet letter "cookie cutters"
  • Sort animals into "farm animals" and "zoo animals"
  • Letter card games (from the Dollar Store)
  • Apple Survey (What's your favorite way to eat an apple?)