Tuesday, May 8, 2012

B is for Bedtime

An outreach storytime
To introduce the Summer Reading Program--Dream Big--Read!

Book:  Go To Bed, Monster  (Natasha Wing)

Song:  Before I go to bed
(tune:  The Wheels on the Bus)

Before I go to bed I take a bath
Splash, splash, splash
Splash, splash, splash
Before I go to bed I take a bath
Splash, splash, splash!

Additional verses:
I brush my teeth--brush, brush, brush
I get a drink--gulp, gulp, gulp
I read a book--once upon a time
I give a kiss--(make kissing sounds)
I whisper good night--nighty-night, nighty-night

Now I'm in bed I go to sleep
(snore, snore, snore)
(snore, snore, snore)
Now I'm in bed I go to sleep
(snore, snore, snore)

Book:  Sweet Dreams: How Animals Sleep (Kimiko Kajikawa)

Song:  Sleeping Bunny
(Tune:  Frere Jacques)

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping?
Little bunny?  Little bunny?
Shhhhh!!  Shhhh!!
Wake up little bunny
Wake up little bunny
Hop, hop, hop!
Hop, hop, hop!

Additional verses:
Little tiger--Grrrrr, grrrr, grrrrr
Little cheetah--run, run, run
Little crocodile--chomp, chomp, chomp
Little frog--jump, jump, jump

Book:  Chicks Run Wild (Sudipta Bardham-Quallen)