Thursday, December 23, 2010

K is for...

Welcome Song

Henrietta’s Basket: Kleenex

Sign Language: Letter

Song: Be my echo (6 syllables x 2) kindergarten and key, kangaroo and king

Sign Language: kangaroo

Flannel Board: Kitten song

Book: No more kissing!
On Wednesday the children asked to read it a 2nd time, since I had a small group I was able to.

Song: Koala, koala turn around

Koala, koala,Turn around,
Koala, koala, Touch the ground.
Koala, koala, Dance on your toes,
Koala, koala, Touch your nose.
Koala, koala, Give a little clap,
Koala, koala, Take a nap.
(The children can follow the koala's actions.)

Nursery Rhyme: Old King Cole

Book: Koalas (Valerie Bodden) and/or A Kitten Tale
On Wednesday I read A Kitten Tale and on Thursday I read Koalas. (A Kitten Tale went over better.)

ABC Chant

Good bye Chant

Enrichment: K page, kitchen pictures, puzzles, sort kittens (put right number of kittens with mother cat (print number from 1-5 on each mother cat)
I brought stuffed kittens from home. Wednesday the children had a great time sorting and playing with them. On Thursday the children (especially the boys) started throwing them around, etc.

I used this picture of a kitchen I used an Exacto knife and cut along the sides of the oven, etc. so they would "open". I glued these on a larger piece of construction paper. I also cut out lots of little "food" items (and a few silly items) from an old cooking magazine. At storytime the children selected different pictures and glue them "inside" the fridge, drawers, etc.

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