Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A is for Arctic and Antarctica

This summer the theme is "One World, Many Stories" so for storytime we are doing "Animals Around the World".  During the summer Mrs. B and I combine our toddler and preschool storytimes and we present it together on Wednesday and Thursday mornings.  We began our journey "at the poles"!

Welcome Song
This is a song to "wake up" Wesley, Mrs. B's turtle friend
Everybody say hello, say hello, say hello
Everybody say hello, "Hello-oooo, Wesley"

Henrietta’s basket: Penguin

Discussion—North Pole (Arctic) and South Pole (Antarctica) using a globe

Flannel Board:  Five Fat Walruses

Five fat walruses were at the North Pole.
One climbed upon the ice and fell into a hole.
Four fat walruses swam toward the ice.
One bumped an iceberg which wasn't very nice.
Three fat walruses had whiskers on their faces,
One got bored and went to sleep; he didn't like the places.
Two fat walruses went to look for food.
One swam far, far away; he wasn't in the mood.
One fat walrus was tired of the play.
She flipped a good-bye with her tail and then she swam away.

Book:  Polar Opposites  Erik Brooks

Stand-up song: Polar Bear, polar bear turn around

Book: Way up in the Arctic  Jennifer Ward
(Mrs. B played her guitar and "sang" the book)

Stand up song: Up On The Iceberg (Tune: Up on the Housetop)
Into the ocean, penguins go.
They spy the seals way down below.
Zip through the water with no delay
Zigzagging penguins swim away.
Oh, oh, oh, Go penguins go!
Oh, oh, oh, Go penguins go!
Leap to the iceberg, quick, quick, quick!
Back to the nursery to feed your chick!


Book: If you were a penguin  Wendell and Florence Minor
(I read this book on Wednesday, but didn't have time on Thursday)

(Animal good-byes...words along the sidebar)

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