Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Books for the New Year

Each year our library has a program called, "New Books for the New Year".  It is usually held on New Year's Eve day.  Families are invited to bring a lunch and listen to stories.  The children's librarian and I choose some of the "newer" books that have come into the library to read or booktalk.  This year I highlighted some juvenile fiction.  I made a book trailer and found a few on youtube.  It was a lot of fun (if only we didn't have the "technical difficulties" with the laptop to show the trailers!)

Here are the books and book trailers we no particular order.

"11 Experiments That Failed"
by Jenny Offill and Nancy Carpenter

"Dear Hot Dog" by Mordicai Gerstein

"Every Thing On It" by Shel Silverstein

"I Will Not Read This Book" by Cece Meng

"Jeremy Bender vs. The Cupcake Cadets" by Eric Luper

"Introducing Limelight Larry" by Larry Hodgkinson

"The Princess and the Pig" by Jonathan Emmett

"Stuck" by Oliver Jeffers

Theodore Boone (series) by John Grisham

"Max Quick:  The Pocket and the Pendant"
by Mark Jeffrey

"Missing on Superstition Mountain"
by Elise Broach

(Book Trailer I made on animoto)

Each child received a door prize

And just before everyone left we had a "practice" count down to the New Year...complete with noise makers and confetti!

This is always a fun program to do and families seem to really enjoy it!

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