Friday, December 7, 2012

G is for...

G is for...

Welcome Song

Henrietta's Basket:  Gorilla webkinz

Echo Song:  Grandpa, grapes, glove, girl

Flannel Board
You take some yellow, you take some blue
You mix them together to make something new
And green is that color!

You take some yellow, you take some blue
You mix them together to make something new
And green is that color!

Continue taking one letter away until you have 5 claps!

Book: The Tale of Two Goats written by Tom Barber

Stand-up Song: 
My Darling Goldfish
(sung to: Grand Old Duke of York)

My darling little goldfish (make sign for fish)
Hasn't any toes (point to your toes)
He swims around without a sound (pretend to swim)
And bumps his angry nose (point to nose)
He can't get out to play with me (Point to your self)
Nor I get in to him (Point to other children)
Although I say, "Come out and play" (motion hand for him to come)
He says, "Come in and swim!" (point down)

Rhyme Time Song:

Nursery Rhyme:  Little Bo Peep

Book:  Off We Go! written by Jane Yolen

ABC Chant

Animal Goodbyes

Enrichment Activities
  • Play with the guitar and other musical instruments
  • Stacking Cups
  • Gumball Activity [from Confessions of a Homeschooler] I printed out four gumball sheets and had regular pom-poms available for children to fill in the "G" and gumball machine.
  • Things That Go Together [from]
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