Thursday, July 8, 2010


I am "Miss Tammy", the Children's Librarian Assistant at the Bellevue Public Library in Bellevue, Nebraska. I have a degree in Elementary Education from Idaho State University and I am currently working on my MLS from Univeristy of Missouri-Columbia. I develop all the preschool storytimes at our library and I wanted a place to keep my ideas online, as well as share ideas with others.

Last school year I developed 26 storytimes for preschoolers--one for each letter of the alphabet. I felt this was very successful in introducing many early literacy skills to the children and it gave me the opportunity to model for and share ideas with parents regarding the importance of early literacy.

One thing about me is that I can never have the same storytime even the storytimes that go really well I will still "tweak" it before I use it again. There are always new books, different finger plays or rhymes, or activities that target a different literacy area. So I will be updating often with different ideas. I will, however, only post ideas that I have actually used in storytime...if it didn't turn out I will confess and probably explain how I would do it different in the future.

I hope you enjoy some of the ideas I have put together.

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