Friday, April 15, 2011

Y is for...

  • I'm sorry about this format...I have tried and tried, but blogger just won't cooperate!

  • Welcome Song

  • Henrietta’s Basket: Yo-yo

  • Song: Be my echo (6 syllables x 2) yawn and yogurt, yesterday and yell

  • Flannel Board: Yellow Daffodils

  • One yellow daffodil wet with gentle dew. The weather warmed up and then there were two. Two yellow daffodils, standing to my knee The wind blew a leaf and then there were three. Three yellow daffodils wishing there were more. The sun warmed the ground and then there were four. Four yellow daffodils, watch them sway and dive. They dance and they dance, and then there are five. Five yellow daffodils spring up very fast. Five yellow daffodils: I wish they would last.

  • Book: Yes We Can

  • Song: Yellow (Tune: "London Bridge") Yellow flowers bend and sway Bend and sway, bend and sway; Yellow flowers bend and sway When the wind blows. Yellow ducks say "Quack, quack, quack," (repeat) In the water. Yellow birds Are flying high (repeat) In the sky. Yellow chicks Peck and scratch (repeat )In the barnyard. Yellow lemons In my drink (repeat) Make me pucker. Yellow cab Goes zooming by (repeat) Down the street. Yellow songs Are fun to sing (repeat) I love yellow.

  • Nursery Rhyme/short poem: Yo-yo

  • Yo-yo up.Yo-you, down. Yo-yo likes to spin around. Yo-yo Yo-yo So fun to play I think I’ll yo-yo everyday. Book: All Year Long

  • ABC Chant

  • Good bye Chant

  • Enrichment: ABC dot-to-dot, yellow “Y”, discovery bottles

Thursday, April 7, 2011

X is for...

Welcome Song

Henrietta’s Basket: x-ray

Song: Be my echo (6 syllables x 2) excited and exit, exercise and excuse me

Sign Language: Letter

Flannel Board: X marks the spot (by Tammy Henry, April 13, 2010)

X marks the spot of the old wooden chest
Inside is a treasure, can you guess?
Dig under an A and there’ll just be an ant
Digging under the P a pair of pants
Dig under a B a bicycle you’ll see
And under the K a rusty old key!
Dig under C and find an old clock
Digging under R and you’ll just find a rock!
To find the treasure chest
Remembering this rhyme is best…
That X marks the spot!

Book: The fox and the hen (BAT)

Song: Have you ever seen a fox wearing socks? (rhyming song)
(To the tune: If you're happy and you know it)

Have you ever seen a fox wearing socks?
Have you ever seen a fox wearing socks?
No I never, No I never, No I never, No I never
No I've never seen a fox wearing socks

Nursery Rhyme/short poem: Turtle in a box

There was a little turtle,
He Lived in a box
He swam in a puddle,
He climbed on the rocks.

He snapped at a mosquito,
He snapped at a flea,
He snapped at a minnow,
And he snapped at me.
He caught the mosquito,
He caught the flea,
He caught the minnow,
But he didn't catch ME!

Book: The super hungry dinosaur (T-Rex)

ABC Chant

Good bye Chant

Enrichment: ABC dot-to-dot, blocks, Tic Tac Toe - play using X's and O's.