Wednesday, July 4, 2012

N is for Night Shivers

An Outreach Storytime

Book:  Creak! Said the Bed by Phyllis Root

Fingerplay:  I'm Not Afraid
from 2012 Summer Reading Program Manual

I'm not afraid of the night
When my mom turns off the light.
If I see shadows on the wall,
I am not afraid at all.
If there are strange noises that I hear,
I am brave.  I have no fear.
Cause monsters aren't real and I'm safe in bed
So I think happy thoughts instead.
At night, I do not cray or scream.
I climb in bed and dream good dreams.

Book:  The Great Monster Hunt

Song:  Monster, Monster
from 2012 Summer Reading Program Manual

Monster, monster turn around.
Monster, monster touch the ground.
Monster, monster reach up high.
Monster, monster blink your eyes.
Monster, monster show your teeth.
Monster, monster stamp your feet.
Monster, monster slap your knees.
Monster, monster sit down please.

Book:  There was an Old Monster

S is for Stuffed Animals

This is the storytime we did in conjunction with our stuffed animal sleepover

Book:  Stuffed Animals get ready for bed by Alison Inches

Song:  Put Your Stuffed Animal on Your Head
Tune:  If you're happy and you know it

Put your stuffed animal on your head, on your head
Put your stuffed animal on your head, on your head
Put your stuffed animal on your head then put that animal to bed.
Put your stuffed animal on your head, on your head.

Put your teddy bear on your knee, on your knee (repeat)
Put your teddy bear on your knee, Put him there just like me (repeat 1st line)

Put your teddy bear on your tummy, on your tummy (repeat)
Put your teddy bear on your tummy, it feels so very funny! (repeat 1st line)

Give your teddy bear a hug, give him a hug (repeat)
Give your teddy bear a hug, make him snug as a bug in a rug! (repeat 1st line)

Book:  Good Night Harry by Kim Lewis

Song:  Stuffed Animal, Stuffed Animal [yes, it was quite a mouthful!]
Tune:  Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear

Turn around
Touch the ground
Reach up high
Touch the sky
Bend down low
Touch your toe
Stand up now
Take a bow

Activity:  Using alphabet beads make a bracelet or necklace for your stuffed animal to wear.