Friday, February 11, 2011

Q is for...

Welcome Song

Henrietta’s Basket: Quilt

Sign Language: Letter

Song: Be my echo (6 syllables x 2) quickly and quiet, quarter and queen

Flannel Board: 1 Little Quail

1 little quail with feathers of blue;
In flew a green one and then there were two.
2 little quails singing in the tree;
A red one came to join them and then there were three.
3 little quails, wishing there were more;
Along came the purple one and then there were four.
4 little quails, happy to be alive;
Found a little yellow one, and then there were five.
Five little quails as happy as can be.
Singing beautiful songs - just for you and me!

Book: Quack, Daisy, Quack!

Song: 5 little ducks

Nursery Rhyme/short poem: Queen and the Quail

Once, a queen saw a little quail
Come hop, hop, hop
And so said the queen,
“Dear little Quail, please stop, stop, stop”.
She went to her castle window to say how do you do?
The quail, he bowed, shook his tail, then off he flew.

Book: The Quiet Book

ABC Chant

Good bye Chant

Enrichment: Q page, puppets, paper quilt craft (from ABC Read to Me: Teaching Letter of the Week in the Library and Classroom by Toni Buzzeo.)

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