Thursday, December 23, 2010

L is for...

Welcome Song
Henrietta’s Basket: lobster

Song: Be my echo (6 syllables x 2) lemonade and lizard, lightening and light bulb

Sign Language: Letter

Flannel Board: Lemons in a bowl
Five big lemons in the bowl. One fell out and started to roll.
It bumped the table and hit my toe
How many lemons in the bowl? 1-2-3-4
~ Continue to count down ~

Book: What the ladybug heard

Song: Laundry song
(Sung To: "Old McDonald had a Farm") --props—laundry basket with different articles of clothing

Old McDonald did the laundry e-i-e-i-o
And in his basket he had a shirt e-i-e-i-o
With a wash, wash here And a wash, wash there
Here a wash, there a wash Everywhere a wash, wash
Old McDonald did the laundry e-i-e-i-o

More verses: Socks, pair of pants, jacket, towel, etc.
This song didn't go over very well on Wednesday, so we sang Jingle Bells on Thursday instead.

Nursery Rhyme: Mary had a little lamb

Book: Mary had a little lamb by Mary Ann Hoberman

ABC Chant

Good bye Chant

Enrichment: ABC dot-to-dot, lion (cut mane), ladybug spot match, lacing cards

I copied a "bear face" onto yellow papers and cut them out. I used the AccuCut circle and cut out yellow and brown circles. At storytime the children glued the face into the center of the circle then cut snips all the way around the circle to form a mane.

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